Travis Amiel is a multidisciplinary artist based in Brooklyn, NY creating performances, websites, games, and animations. Tinkering with different mediums in performances and online, Travis is interested in queerness, pretentiousness, shame, convenience, and commons/cooperative-based organizing. With Cosimo Pori, Travis created Das Sofortvergnügen (THE INSTANT PLEASURE) which premiered at the 2023 Exponential Festival, and Das Ersatz which premiered at The Brick in June 2024. From 2018-2020, Travis created 13 short performances for Fast and Furious, a series at The Tank. Each F&F performance was about obscure affairs in the news from the week leading up to the performance such as a museum heist in Germany. Travis contributes to the online recommendation site Staff Picks, has worked with HowlRound Theatre Commons, was a 2019-2020 Performance Project Fellow at University Settlement.

photo of me at a mic holding a balloon.
Photo from Das Ersatz taken by Jose Miranda